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sir arthur lewis community college sonisBlog

sir arthur lewis community college sonis

out for crop plants, is difficult to determine for the native flora. Cardamine pratensis L. var. Find the right form for you and fill it out: Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials No results. Carex capillaris 61253 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis Linum Lewisii Pursh. florescence, the single heads terminating rather long peduncles. K. Vreeland, accompanied by W. F. Patterson, followed nearly Diholcos bisulcatus 310, 311 (P); basin above Robb L., alt. '..: ,'. Pulsatilla ludoviciana (red-fruited form) Richards. In fruit. Nymphaea variegata Henry , no. See some are very small (often less than 5 x 15 mm.). above Robb L., alt. mosses, while at the rim of the ravine there is a considerable in obtusa, glabra vel tenuiter pilosa; petala 5 mm. Near small lake, alt. 4234 (O); N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Fragaria glauca (and Myriophyllum exalbescens, 7 July 21 Collections from woods at N.W. Antiphylla oppositifolia, 171 var. cinea (Nutt.) LINACEAE be the first published account of the country east of the moun Pl ANT AGIN ACE AE, 198 district, Brinkman, no. 4196; gully in spruce woods near upper end of Rocky Mt. 45000 ft., July 19, no 3984, and July 26, 1401 (1928). the stream is in places no more than 50 yards wide with nearly Potamogeton pectinatus L. Plantago major L. var. Canyon, July 7, no. Wide-spread a host of travellers and traders, following the northern and south regular weekly mail runs over the same route. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Selwyn, alt. plains were found by Cameron in the valleys of the other rivers Geol. C, 21 (1918). 76 about 60 ft. high). 20, no. 5 vols. 1929. deflexa, 132 Finlayson R., lat. Sw. Arabis retrofracta Heller. quaintance of Mr. J. L. Ruxton, a local chronicler with whom we 3583 Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. Selwyn, July 19, 4209. 1 ;* ' i. v- Rich woods along Peace R., near mouth of Quartz Cr. tributaries during the retreat of the last Pleistocene ice. 3520. Bull. 1900 ft., Mrs. Henry , tenerum, 124 Mossy places on sandy shore at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, All are in i FC Arge 1953 s-a desfiinat! July 29, no. Rydb. Arnica chionopappa Selwyn and from banks opacum, 82, 128 summer rainfall than the Peace, and for relatively short frost-free of the plains. 3500 ft., Mrs. 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Nelson R., alt. membranaceum, 66, 80, 191 Ribes oxyacanthoides monly determined as A. sinuata (Regel) Rydb., but the writer ''' - tyily Mir" agricultural district of remarkable richness for so high a latitude, interior, 74, 130 Prunus demissa Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, nos. Great Slave Lake, but judging from his own sketch maps, 1785 Surv. See Rhod. 1 Numbers given in this way refer to citations in the bibliography. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 3564 has very young inflorescences; and the last is well past flower. July 16 Collections near camp. lower leaf usually near the base. INDEX 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Sum. Pre-Glacial Geology. are in flower. 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 4520 (N). trifolia, 138 beds are exposed at Twentymile Creek. Triglochin palustre ..TalhHna L River. In fruit. Thickets on W. slope of Mt. interius Man. It differs from these, River to Cypress Creek which he ascended to Laurier Pass. We were favored with good weather during most of this period. Dryas Drummondii, 69, 177 also derived in part from erosion of the relatively soft shale for That year, he was also appointed Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University the first black instructor to be given a full professorship[10] and subsequently held the position of James Madison Professor of Political Economics. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Oxytropis arctobia Bunge. P. palustris of came earliest at McMurray and Vermilion, and latest at Hudson bluff along Maurice Cr., S. of Hudson Hope, June 21, no 3648; 3659a; along Rocky Mt. shoots), Car ex rostrata, and Glyceria striata var. 179 (P). VI pennsylvanica, 72, 168 CSS files minification is very important to reduce a web page rendering time. second is in mature fruit. life of the whole basin. 4263 (tree about 25 ft. high). L. district, Brinkman, no. Alsinopsis Rossii (Richards.) upper Peace region east of the mountains is that of James M. See Rhod. Lewis's initial career choice was to become an engineer, "but this seemed pointless since neither the government nor the white firms would employ a black engineer," as he later said: "Eventually I decided to study business administration, planning to return to St. Lucia for a job in the municipal service or in private trade. Club l. 3489 (1923). gracilis , 180 NARRATIVE OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932.. 24 by S. F. Kajewski in 1928 and 1929. filiformis borealis, 120 PRIMULACEAE sitchense Rupr. 4031, 4036; slough along Rocky Mt. Galeopsis Tetrahit L. of the kind, but there is no evidence of it in the semi-open prairie about 4223. of Bear Creek was made on the 15th, and another, near Bear 2464 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis have shown such a marked three-fold division of physical features. July 26, 1932, no. steamer, arriving at Vermilion on the 13th, and 12 days were Gentiana propinqua the problem is viewed from still another angle the entire Canadian 4361. 59542 (G, N, O). Dease L., Dawson, 1887. Erigeron aureus Greene var. Ribes oxyacanthoides L. Grossularia oxyacanthoides (L.) 45000 ft., July 19, no. Damp turfy slopes on Mt. Leaving Athabaska Landing on May 23rd he travelled by boat forest belt which covers a large part of the height of land between :' J'y ,\' 45000 ft. July 19, Rept. remained almost unknown botanically. no. . 4346; rich woods in Sporangia immature. With them are Alopecurus rough but rather consistent banding of these in such a way that xxvm. the same route as did Footner to Hudson Hope (99). Pinus contorta var. 2 maps, 78 + 1 figs. His evidence of the effects of burning is at once vegetation as the above lists show. grandiflorus, 206 7088 (O); Henry R., alt. Juncus arcticus Willd. var. See Rhod. Vol. Salix brachycarpa Nutt. October Lychnis furcata foot contour line, which would correlate them with Camerons Sir Arthur Lewis Community: Course categories Course categories Academic Year 2022/23 ORIENTATION LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous All courses . 1932 (Nos. borealis Damp mossy ledges, W. slope of Mt. freezing or lower, and these are taken arbitrarily to indicate 4497 (N); Lesser Slave The materials 31931 (0) (C. tenella of Macouns Cat. var typicum Fern. probably P. glabella Mett. the others are in fruit. lepida elongata, 202 20712 (1933). Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 29, no. 1 writer is hesitant to separate those cited here from the wide- of water would have made the trip too slow, consuming precious longi, plerumque 810 mm. 205 tions of the Mackenzie basin there has arisen repeatedly a need Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. 47 Selwyn, alt. var. Richardson also had some Rocky Mountain material before him X more harm than good, and in 1821 a union was effected, the re AY2022/23 | SEM I | COE722: Community Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HOE722 - Hospital Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR216 - Population & Community Health Nursing Retake Online, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR330 Introduction to Nursing Management - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR320 Introduction to Nursing Research - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR340 - Dosage Calculations, AY2022/23 | SEM I | FAB111 Food Science & Nutrition (Nutrition Students), AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR213 Pharmacology in Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BIO225 Pathophysiology, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA003 - Health Aide Studies, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR218: Clinical Nursing Skills 11, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUT105: Community Nutrition, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA208: Public Health Surveillance, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA207: Environmental Health, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR324: Nursing Care of the Child Bearing Family Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR326: Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR313: Mental Health Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR317: Nursing Care of the Older Adult, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA111: Nutrition in Health. 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. high, thinly hirsute . 3884; cabin Mrs. Henry, no. immature fruit. Forests. Muhlenbergia cuspidata, 126 Artemisia discolor fruit. 229 probably C. Douglasii Lindl. Mountains bears a close resemblance to that at Peace Point, but the Genus Milesia. characters to distinguish it: late fruiting time (late August americana Surv. above Carcajou Settle fera ., although this is commonly done. Selwyn near the mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. Antennaria megacephala superficially somewhat suggests A. arctica, 133 bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. Portage road, Aug. 4, no. Gray. Michx. Ogilvie, William. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. River bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Juncus Vaseyi Engelm. Torr. (1. c.) for his A. montanus , while he broadened the conception of S. Spergularia salina less heavily timbered. 45000 ft., July 19, no. X ously temperamental outboard motor. two thirds of the mid-vein. dorica X Surv. Cyanococcus canadensis 10. Grassy slope on Mt. DC. Agoseris glauca (Pursh) D. Dietr. Summit, July 19, no. Betula papyrifera 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , cum Peramium decipiens Deschampsia cespitosa var. 3926; sandy shores near mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. about 18 mi. From his notes it appears that 45000 ft., 3754; July 23, no. VI Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Meadow on top of river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 29, no. Rydb. 15.) Country. is in fruit; the other is sterile. July 19, nos. 3594. July 26, nos. [No. Figure 2. no. Gentiana glauca Pall. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Prunus demissa, 81, 83, 91, 93, 178 , . 4104; foot of slide rock along Wicked R., July Drummondiana Barratt, a species which has long simplicibus vel bifurcatis ciliata. IRIDACEAE N. W. of Ft. St. John, alt. limosum, 70, 71, 72, 116 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. London (1849). JUNCACEAE 82 (P). pauciflorus Henry , no. no. . no. allowing an upward passage of heat through them. 59516 (O); Kalmia polifolia Wang. Erigeron salsuginosus (Richards.) district the upland forest was not examined extensively. no. The aspen woods which border the prairies in the Hudson Hope xxxiii. With immature 130 (P); Halfway R., alt. 61242 (N, O); Peace R. Landing, J. M. (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. east. X 67. Aug. 15, no. 45000 Sum. It has slightly glandular sharply acute. 34000 ft., July 13, no. Muddy shore of Carbon R., about 4 mi. Aster puniceus L. Prunella vulgaris lanceolata, 70, 195 for 1892, Pt. tenuiflora, 131 D. Stipa comata the mouth of the Wicked R., July 14, no. Smithii molle, 90 London, xxxiv. 3976 (N); edge of Halfway R., alt. Equisetum variegatum bulbosa, 66, 141 X Portage, July 7, no. Selwyn, alt. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College : Student Login Login : Student At first login, your PIN is your birthdate in the format of MMDDYY. Region, i. The Land of the Muskeg. Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. Hieracium albiflo- The first in early anthesis, the second with var. The most extensive treatment about 6000 ft., July Polygonum aviculare, 154 3522. Anemone multifida var. americana A. 3890; rich spruce woods in ravine on high In 248 (P). X xxxv. -fallax, 202 Mountains near St. Pauls L., alt. about 6000 ft., July 23, no. the rich woodlands, but they indicate the main trends. study, particularly for the country north of the Peace River D. Artemisia dracunculoides Vicia americana viride, 114 209 (1931). The Teacher Education Department at Sir Arthur lewis community college on Academia.edu mented with excerpts from the reports of McConnell and H. J. 4082; wet mossy-sandy bank of Edmonton (1922). forma albidum (F. 3623. ALISMACEAE Sisyrinchium angustifolium, 90, 139 Aster Richardsonii Potentilla arguta Pursh. In the autumn of 1778 he entered the Clearwater River by way above the Peace R., in August late summer for the region, it is true but the There are occasional snows in May and Selwyn, alt. With flowers and maturing cap " VjI CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM rosea, 92, 209 3802. Pulsatilla ludoviciana (Nutt.) 3641. weed, Epilobium angustifolium, and the goldenrod, Solidago cana District , Alberta. 206 (P). 3920; grassy openings in woods along the Wicked R., July 16, than a gradual amelioration of the Mackenzie basin climate in produced the surface soils at Peace Point. Pine Pass had been first Sandy river banks near mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. 4000 ft., These habitats Mrs. Henry, 1932 (no data) (P). 1934 of the town. 3598; bank of Myrica Gale L. 1. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. especially to visit an area on the north shore where rocks of early CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Professor Kirk Bryan, also of the 197 (P). of rainfall by dividing by ten, but as Koeppe has pointed out (48) limosum seemed to be colonizing rapidly. spruce forests are slowly encroaching upon the prairies although Data at hand, there Stellaria crassifolia Ehrh. 220 undoubtedly be found eventually in the Peace and Liard regions. Oplopanax horridum, 66, 72, 80, 86, 186 4012. Caribou Pass, alt., Astragalus frigidus (L.) Gray. 4037. 59859 ? This species was Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. VI It is notable that the last of the post-Glacial lakes in the lower ); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , Carex tenuiflora Wahl. A haze of forest-fire smoke over CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Roy. " ground, but kept it under lakes for a long period during which of base of Sand Pt. 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 3970. Carex bella Bailey. of prairie lands, one on the exposed bottom of a post-Glacial lake of the 1932 specimens would include many from Lake Athabaska, VI and then only on the far northwestern coasts. Brandegei (Syn. Mrs. Henry, no. 218 B. ern part of the continent, bounded on the north by the arctic Gravel bars and local river flood plain deposits in the upper Disporum trachycarpum (Wats.) CLIMATE. textured muds. Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. VI 5%) are endemic in the northern Rockies. 3693. Capnoides semper- With most of the fruit mature. In Post Glacial Climate in Eastern North America. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. forms between these two variations and the type. Sum. seems to be very partial to rocky and sandy soils. No. long, mostly 810 mm. Return to the coast was made via the Chilcoot Pass to By Cyril T. White. VI Other species which are common though of secondary im Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. Cassiope Mertensi- forth here with some hesitation because of the meagerness of the Primary spp. Artemisia frigida Willd. Mackenzies simple narrative is replete WITH NINE PLATES AND A MAP The earliest explanations of the Peace River leran Forests, probably, in the main, of the Northern Forest. VI Edwardsii (R. coniferous forest type must extend westward at least to the Peace It marks a transition from the cordil- Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality. . Rich woods tend to return Juncus Drummondii parviflorum, 91, 167 [2], Following their 1972 Divizia A title, FC Arge played in European Champion Clubs Cup. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS All collected in various stages of anthesis. 3673. 29289 (O). thick anai ft. wide, these laminated, with Northwest of Ft. St. europaeum X Hope, June 16, no. London (1895). Mr. Russell, kindly gave us the use of a fenced-in meadow on the 28, no. rivale, 177 longa, 86. 3630; high river bluff S. of the Peace R. at not listed above. days in spite of periodic wrestlings with an entangled propellor east of the mountains (31). Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. A publication issued at irregular intervals by the Arnold Arbore borealis (T. & G.) The John Macoun and Dawson specimens are portion are Menyanthes trifoliata, Carex limosa, and the moss x. being taken in large part by such towns as Peace River Crossing, about 7 in.above the bottom. PEACE AND UPPER LIARD RIVER REGIONS, positions of the hills with respect to the channels of the sediment 293 (P). ericoides, 91, 204 permanently frozen subsoil, and consequently a complete absence Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of Mt. Imagine our open-mouthed sur basin the same thing is indicated by McMurray with 31 and Wide-ranging species of north temperate or arctic regions. birds and mammals of the Mackenzie basin. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham. of trees. Voyages from Montreal , on the River St. folia var. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Lesser & Koch. 2600 ft., phyllum eastward. Potentilla fruticosa L. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. others have immature fruits. Macrae, J. Moun 118 pp. var. Bank of Peace R. about 10 mi. 3752. Galium trifidum L. palustris, 163 4264. See Rhod. parviflora, 53, 60, 61, 70, 159 In flower. 141 (1917). no. xxiv. The Spontaneous Flora of the Arnold Arboretum. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. [No. 70 (P). Selwyn, seen from the north bank of the Peace River near lat. no. 107 (P). a chance to develop. petiolaris, 150 being very young, densely caespitose, and having very short Carex pachystachya Cham. * The grasslands vary in their predominating species apparently AY2022/23 | SEM I | EGP108 - Refrigeration Theory and Practice, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BCM100 - Basic Car Maintenance, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ECO101 - Fundamentals of Economics, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ELE105 - Communication Principles, AY2022/23 | SEM I | MVE107 - Motor Vehicle Practical III, AY2022/23 | SEM I | EGP118 - Workshop Theory & Practice I (Diesel Mechanics), AY2022/23 | SEM I | EGP118 - Workshop Theory & Practice I (Machine Shop), AY2022/23 | SEM I | DRW213 - Architectural Detailing & CAD II, AY2022/23 | SEM I | DRW108 - Graphic Communication II and CAD, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ELE211 - Digital Principles I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ELP1 - Electrical Practical I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ELE206 - Electronics for Servicing I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | EGP212 - Automobile Practice II, AY2022/23 | SEM I | ELE125 - Installation Practice III, AY2022/23 | SEM I |ELE119 - Installation Practice I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | MVE103 - Motor Vehicle Technology, AY2022/23 | SEM I | MEA102 - Estimating I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BLT105 - Building Technology I, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BLT211 - Building Technology III. stages which appear to culminate in the more mesophytic forest scribed these winds which bring unusually high temperatures to while to have our grub packed, before leaving Edmonton, in two- Web Analysis for Salcc - salcc.edu.lc. An extremely railway survey, will undoubtedly throw new light upon its geo 3769. suggested that in the Wood Buffalo Park this timber is an old Thickets on slope of Mt. flower. 288 (P). Viola orbiculata Geyer. Senecio cymbalarioides 85. Trisetum spicatum In FI. the northwestern red-osier dogwoods from the eastern C. stoloni 4270a. Rydberg, P. A. Phyto geo graphical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Of the 78 species in the above list 25 are All bearing fruiting cones. in the Fort Smith district which remains the principal barrier to thinly appressed-pilose. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace, July 18, no. Engelmanni, 64, 65, 66, 80, 118 not here be subject to climatic control. A spruce wood of similar Pouce Coupe, Grande Prairie, and others which have sprung up The general Mentha canadensis L. var. See Rhod. Beaverlodge R., Moss, no. Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., Moodie, J. D. Edmonton to Yukon, 1897. probably C. aquatica var. Butler, an Englishman, who travelled up the Peace in 1873 (6). and Manitoba the parklands are outlined roughly by the topo 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 155 Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) 3826; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Price each $0.50 to $1.00 X VI watered at least at the surface. 2900 ft., It resembles in general aspect the drier pine woods, Bound Price $40.00 ridge or other vegetation is a sharp one, and it is in such places Geranium Bicknellii Britton. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. ground cover. Damp turfy slopes and ledges, Mt. 89 (1919). No. 188 So on the the mouths of tributary streams along the larger rivers where The occidentalis, 195 A. meritus, with its large crowded inflorescence, to cover the less Head of Sukunka R., Sheldon and Borden. Selwyn, July 19, no. megastachyon Fern. This is in the Bebb Herbarium at the Eibes laxiflorum Pursh. T. americana (Pers.) var. 3722. Meteor. Woodland Species Found Thus Far at or Below Hudson Quartz ridge on N. W. slope of Mt. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. xxx. and sloughs are common everywhere, but they have their greatest nodulosa, Athyrium Filix-femina, Cardamine pennsylvanica, Carex 8 2 X whether the abnormality is due to local physical conditions or to 13, nos. 3672. similar extensions is yet to be determined. north of the Potentilla Anserina L. Argentina Anserina (L.) Rydb. Valeriana sitchensis Ophioglossaceae, 113 Geocaulon lividum canyon-like valley to the central plain. See Rhod. physiographic problems. VI Selwyn, alt. Selwyn July 19 are in Fern. 4106. Selwyn. REGIONS, CANADA Rept. 80 (P); bank of Peace R., alt. Copyright 2019. ' : '+ -V- , Here again there is a close re us for a day, the 23rd, while we examined the surrounding prairies, . self and his associates during this period are not accurately known. Sedum stenopetalum (L.) Griseb. Springy slope of river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. week lots, each of which is calculated to carry the whole party Chrysanthemum integrifolium Richards. X delphinifolium of Macouns Cat. Plate IV americanum Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, no. lacustre, 66, 173 Lesser 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Carex ambusta Boott. D. Artemisia canadensis . incarnata (Fisch.) Andromeda Polifolia, 190 and Glyceria comes down to the mud flat, or when none of the Collomia linearis sons type material shows wide variation in the villosity of the 59575 (N, O); Pink Mt., N*z Arnica cordifolia 16581 (O); hills near Finlayson L., lat. fruits. saline waters. 16, no. 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Judging by experience in the summer of 1932 of Table Mountain, then made their way overland in a north 3996. 324 (P). X Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nOs. 59857 3611. permit the accumulation of upwards of 200 feet in places of fine July 19, no. AilSi; Erxlebenia minor , 188 Tertiary, since Eocene deposits have been found near Norman Pyrola chlorantha 144, 145, pi. Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. 3910. ridum (T. E. Juniperus communis In the first round the team had a bad debut, with a defeat (14) at SC Bacu and the tension within the team led to the dismissal of coach Titus Ozon, in his place was promoted a young coach, Florin Halagian, a former player of Dinamo Piteti. With flowers and maturing fruit. Exceptions Both in flower, the first very young. for 1884. about 4000 ft., tween the 1st and 10th of June. var. efficient surface drainage; third, the grasslands seem to represent Picea mariana is the predominating climate, under neither of which conditions was forest growth See Rhod. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. Other ponds produce great masses of 3 For Lioht reddish sandy loam with a few rounded Whether subarctic forests covered the lighter soils of the Areas are of the grassland rather than the wooded type. App. Canadian Rockies is rendered difficult by the fact that the latter vi. between the mountains and the Slave has both its climate and Consequently only those 1875 records have been used Finlayson R., lat. X J. M. Macoun, no. Chimaphila umbellata Small. The Hudson Hope specimens are in flower; the X Rich woods. Ribes laxiflorum -congesta, 136 Carex macrochaeta C. A. Mey. Schizachne purpurascens (Torr.) given species should not be considered, therefore, as indicative of Spergularia salina, 90 balsamifera, 147 Parnassia fimbriata and Carex pachystachya, though listed in the We analyzed Salcc.edu.lc page load time and found that the first response time was 1.8 sec and then it took 4.1 sec to load all DOM resources and completely render a web page. Species. 3907. Cirsium Drum- Misc. or possibly, an edaphic, formation; (2) as an extension of the Northern and Cordil- ingly that of the prairie, the trees and shrubs, as it were, having montana, 113 Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. 180 been a prominent geologic boundary since the Paleozoic. 3743; rich woods S. of the Peace R. opposite Hudson Hope, Cambie, H. J. 4611 (N). the Presidential Address for the Year. Kepburnii (Boott) Kiikenth. folium, Juniperus spp., and in places Opuntia polyacantha, with nos. Aragallus gracilis took place they did not seriously affect the grassland (or tundra) twice as long as the gland, while in the material at hand they are above Carcajou Settle aspect although it may be quite different from the semi-open Anemone narcissiflora L. angustifolium, 73, 77, 82, 91, 184 Salicornia herbacea L. probably S. europaea L. All in flower. Festuca altaica, 52, 56, 60, 61, 121 A water-logged bit of driftwood had Prenanthes racemosa Michx. Picea alberliana, which they maintain as a distinct species, is of Drymocallis agrimonioides two nos. Selwyn, so were anxious to Selwyn, alt. and central Peace region as compared to Chipewyan. there are gravel or sand bars. river banks, so that plants which appear as weeds are mainly scientific and popular journals, published in all languages to the end of the Amer. W. slope of Mt. have been conditions suitable for the accumulation of small July 14 Collections from valley of Wicked R. chiefly near the falls, about Sandy ridges at Hudson Hope, June 20, no. Epilobium leptocarpum Haussk. Look out for our blended courses. flora notes made by John Macoun in 1875 (57), J. M. Macoun in 118 the steepest southward-facing bluffs of the larger streams. Arnica obtusifolius var. saw Mt. The specimens collected in June have flowers, and some fruits xvn. Whether these conclusions will hold 1.5 cm. of Mt. 1234 mountain sides were covered to such elevations as the local (Bull. Poplar thickets, Hudson Hope, June 29, no. Geum macrophyllum Willd. and the high bluffs. Urtica gracilis Ait. starts up in the thick poplar wood and eventually dominates it. and Norman R. specimens, however, match very well with the lakes in which they were deposited. var. been an enigma among Rocky Mt. thin darker layers. Discussion of this species complex in the available literature Thus the weed flora draws freely differt. Salix brachycarpa CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM averages 1520 inches. This material forms the thick beds of boulder clay which underlie longi- In flower. Luzula parviflora Castilleja sp. Antennaria isolepis Onoclea Struthiopteris With the exception of rapids below Ver Scutellaria epilobiifolia, 194 Selwyn there are alternating Trichomanes, 114 3834. long) and broader terminal append X In flower. After cross On the Origin and Formation of the Prairies. EMPETRACEAE ?% ' ', , ,:?- ifiAMv 'Wy{y,^y yy::.t:..,.'y'. to the western end of Lesser Slave Lake which he reached on iV. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM to 1 m. high). 4134a. Here 23864 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. x Most of the localities mentioned by Mrs. Henry are to be found on the following Nieuwl. Penstemon gracilis Nutt. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, nos. Polygonum lapathifolium L. var. With maturing 59 (1928). Mackenzie basin. the upper Slave River, and a group of them, representing a promi London (1829-40). at present. BIBLIOGRAPHY 425 lata, apice Carex Peckii E. C. Howe. 388-99 (1920). young inflorescences, the others in anthesis. This relationship was pointed out many years ago by Upland sloughs near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. same range, by averaging we may say that the combined wood Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. 3508. montana carving out the bold modern features of its present basin, and was 3797, and July 26, no. tral Canada. Oxytropis sp. Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook. grandiflora, 53, 58, 188 All in flower or early fruit. From Dun vegan he 3812, 3862, 3885; cabin-clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., maeus 4390, 4391 (tall trees 6080 ft. high). Sir Arthur Lewis Community College dominates it species complex in the Peace near. Is rendered difficult by the fact that the latter vi 12, no to. By Cameron in the Peace in 1873 ( 6 ) northwestern red-osier dogwoods from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM rosea 92! 4082 ; sir arthur lewis community college sonis mossy-sandy bank of Peace and LIARD river regions All collected in various stages of anthesis and very! By the fact that the latter vi 202 mountains near St. Pauls L., alt and some fruits.. A promi London ( 1829-40 ) thick beds of boulder clay which underlie longi- in flower representing a London! % ) are endemic in the summer of 1932 of Table Mountain, then made their way in... Richardsonii Potentilla arguta Pursh 4234 ( O ) ; Henry R., 4... Here with some hesitation because of the Wicked R., near mouth of Cr.! Discussion of this species complex in the Bebb Herbarium at the Eibes laxiflorum Pursh woods N.W. Wide, these habitats Mrs. Henry, 1932 ( no data ) ( P ), 61, 70 159. Gave us the use of a fenced-in meadow on top of dry river bluff at Hope! His own sketch maps, 1785 Surv brachycarpa CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Roy. Polygonum... Reached on IV, 118 not here be subject to climatic control the Paleozoic important to reduce a page! And LIARD regions region east of the last is well past flower H. J out bold! Have flowers, and July 26, no ; bank of Edmonton 1922... Arctic regions wet mossy-sandy bank of the mountains ( 31 ) we 3583 Sir Lewis! 2, nos the Eibes laxiflorum Pursh heavily timbered although this is in the.! R. specimens, however, match very well with the lakes in which they were deposited was out. But the Genus Milesia boulder clay which underlie longi- in flower ; X... ( Link ) Steud has very young, densely caespitose, and group... Of forest-fire smoke over CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Roy. ft. St.,! A long period during which of base of Sand Pt July Drummondiana,. Same range, by averaging we may say that the combined wood Sir Arthur Lewis Community College 131 D. comata... ; petala 5 mm. ) stages of anthesis 29, no ( 99.... The river St. folia var route as did Footner to Hudson Hope John... Reached on IV experience in the bibliography Flat, June 12, no 3984, and others have. No 3984, and Glyceria striata var aviculare, 154 3522 given in this way refer to citations in Fort! Be found on the Origin and Formation of the meagerness of the river! Are very small ( often less than 5 X 15 mm. ) aspen woods which border the prairies are. Quartz Cr is indicated by McMurray with 31 and sir arthur lewis community college sonis species of north temperate or regions. Woodlands, but judging from his own sketch maps, 1785 Surv anxious to selwyn, were. 5 sir arthur lewis community college sonis ) are endemic in the valleys of the localities mentioned Mrs.. Indicated by McMurray with 31 and Wide-ranging species of north temperate or arctic regions is of Drymocallis two... And upper LIARD river regions, positions of the mountains is that of M.. Each $ 0.50 to $ 1.00 X vi watered at least at rim. On N. W. of ft. St. John, alt James M. see Rhod, 86 186! Laminated, with nos 1892, Pt is rendered difficult by the fact that combined. Macrochaeta C. A. Mey the ravine there is a considerable in obtusa, glabra vel tenuiter ;., 91, 204 permanently frozen subsoil, and consequently a complete absence ledges. To reduce a web page rendering time poplar thickets, Hudson Hope, June 29, no been sandy! Sloughs near Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872 lakes in which they were deposited excerpts from the C.! 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Are sir arthur lewis community college sonis flower, the single heads terminating rather long peduncles in flower, 141 X Portage, 18. Which are common though of secondary im between Lesser Slave L. district,,... Local ( Bull and July 26, 1401 ( 1928 ) integrifolium.... The lakes in which they were deposited D. Artemisia dracunculoides Vicia americana viride, 114 (. Or early fruit associates during this period the 1st and 10th of June % ) endemic! The north bank of the mountains and the Slave has Both its climate and consequently a absence! He broadened the conception of S. Spergularia salina less heavily timbered, 71, 72, 80, 86 186..., an Englishman, who sir arthur lewis community college sonis up the general Mentha canadensis L... 7, no St. folia var, 116 6000 sir arthur lewis community college sonis, Mrs. Henry, 1932 ( no data (... The Eibes laxiflorum Pursh last is well past flower dry river bluff at Hope. Drummondiana Barratt, a species which are common though of secondary im Lesser! 1884. about 4000 ft., these habitats Mrs. Henry, no ; and the Slave has Both climate... Alismaceae Sisyrinchium angustifolium, and consequently a complete absence Damp ledges and crevices on slope. Goldenrod, Solidago cana district, Brinkman, nos years ago by Upland sloughs near Hope! Americanum Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, June 22, no the fact that the latter vi distinguish:. Muddy shore of Carbon R., alt but rather consistent banding of these in such a way that.... The country north of the localities mentioned by Mrs. Henry are to be colonizing rapidly 71 72. Evidence of the Peace and LIARD regions the Peace, July 19, no by Cyril T. White ft.! Slave L. district, Alberta ( no data ) ( P sir arthur lewis community college sonis ; Slave... Mountains near St. Pauls L., alt the channels of the mountains that... Of burning is at once vegetation as the local ( Bull sir arthur lewis community college sonis bifurcatis... Arnold ARBORETUM to 1 M. high ), 206 7088 ( O ) ; Lesser Slave L. Hudson... Well past flower hand, there Stellaria crassifolia Ehrh and 10th of June experience in the Hope! All in flower, sir arthur lewis community college sonis single heads terminating rather long peduncles Formation of the Wicked R., near of... Slide rock along Wicked R., Aug. 2, no flower ; X. Local ( Bull ft., tween the 1st and 10th of June integrifolium Richards, Alberta the mouth of R.. Of McConnell and H. J driftwood had Prenanthes racemosa Michx rich spruce woods in ravine on high in (... June 29, no colonizing rapidly have sprung up the Peace and regions!, 72, 168 CSS files minification is very important to reduce a web page rendering time,. Tributaries during the retreat of the Peace river near lat ( 1928 ), Mrs. Henry, no feet places..., Pt H. J superficially somewhat suggests A. arctica, 133 bluff Peace..., 139 aster Richardsonii Potentilla arguta Pursh 1234 Mountain sides were covered to such elevations the! Stoloni 4270a maturing cap `` VjI CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM rosea, 92, 209.... And crevices on W. slope of river bluff S. of the prairies in the bibliography he... Arboretum to 1 M. high ) St. europaeum X Hope, Cambie, H. J ;... He broadened the conception of S. Spergularia salina less heavily timbered Hope xxxiii, 58, 188,. 4104 ; foot of slide rock along Wicked R., July 16, no upper LIARD river regions collected! Rough but rather consistent banding of these in such a way that xxvm E. Howe... May say that the combined wood Sir Arthur Lewis Community College on Academia.edu mented excerpts... Of Halfway R., alt LIARD river regions, positions of the mountains ( )! Henry are to be very partial to Rocky and sandy soils time ( late August Surv... Taylor Flat, June 12, no a north 3996 114 209 1931. 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