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romans 8 commentary spurgeon
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romans 8 commentary spurgeonBlog

romans 8 commentary spurgeon

Reprinted from "Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon's Work-room" in "The Sword and the Trowel," December, 1896. He did not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax; neither should we. His interpretation of it is a groan, and that is all. At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. It is as when two dear friends lovingly embrace with their arms around each other's neck, there is a double link binding them together. Oh! Condemn a man that is at the right hand of God! What a mind that must be! "We," says the apostle again and he puts his hand upon his poor distressed brethren he looks at his companions in the prisonhouse at Rome; he looks at that humble band of teachers in Rome, in Philippi, in all the different parts of Asia, and he says, "We!" "For ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of the light." You go out to your pleasures, but your conscience goes with you, and spoils your mirth. Some would have said within themselves "Let the caitiff nation be cut off. Now, he never would sit if the work were not fully done. Thou in the midst of thy sickness and infirmity art girt about with robes of glory, which make the spirits in heaven look down upon the earth with awe. You not only sinned with your body, with your eyes, your lips, your hands; but you have sinned in imagination and desire very horribly." But all things pass away. "There be moments," says one, "when I feel rebellious; at times my passions lead me astray; but surely there are other favorable seasons when I really am friendly to God, and offer true devotion. We shall have joy too, for we shall have his joy. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, March 6th, 1859, by the, "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called." All things at this present moment are working together for the believer's good. Then, too, a worse than Herod sought to kill us. "For I am persuaded." traitor against God!" There were many better men in the city than he. For this simple reason: he is himself so doubtful, so ready to distrust, so difficult to be persuaded of his own security. This seems to me to be one material argument for the salvation of the believer Christ sits in heaven. Hope operated spiritually upon our spiritual faculties, and so does the Holy Spirit, in some mysterious way, divinely operate upon the new-born faculties of the believer, so that he is sustained under his infirmities. AP&A-c1970 lfpb. And may the love of Jesus be with you. But when it has attacked us, and done its worst, there comes in the majesty of divine sovereignty. May we have this faith on our dying bed, when the pulse is faint and feeble, and heart and flesh begin to fail! Bblia; Leia a Bblia; Verses da Bblia; . when I can find enough for my faith to be satisfied with even in the digging of the well, what shall be my satisfaction when I see it overflowing its brim, and springing up with life everlasting? Spirit-taught prayers are offered as they ought to be. There is a result to come of it of the best kind. And, then O ye people of God, let this last thought abide with you, what condescension is this that Divine Person should dwell in you for ever, and that he should be with you to help your prayers. Oh, how sweet it is to believe our names were on Jehovah's heart, and graven on Jesus' hands before the universe had a being! First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. who can tell what God is? III. He attacks us on the right hand and on the left, from beneath and from above. We have faith, that priceless, precious jewel. thou art bitten. While we have an Almighty Saviour, the redeemed must be saved; until omnipotence can fail, and the Almighty can be overcome, every blood-bought redeemed child of God is safe and secure for ever. Now, God will one day change our bodies and make them fit for our souls, and then he will change this world itself. Secondly, I see here, a remedy for all sin. "God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." Where he is every saint shall be ere long. The first reason why the Christian never can be condemned is because CHRIST HATH DIED. Romans 8:38-39 . Cry mightily to the Holy Spirit to continue his sanctifying work upon you; beseech him not to be grieved and vexed, and, therefore, in any measure to stay his hand. Death hath no more dominion over him and no more dominion over me; his deliverance is mine, his freedom mine for ever. He called them, mark you. The doctrine must be stated in its naked truth. You must be tempted of Satan, you must be tried by the world, the flesh, of the devil. It is an oft-repeated truth, and one which, perhaps, has almost lost its meaning from being so oft repeated, that this is the very crisis. Ye are young princes, and ye have not been crowned yet. Not only be quiet, but be glad. Christian men, do you feel this with regard to your sins. But did I need witnesses, I would conjure up the nations of antiquity; I would unroll the volume of ancient history; I would tell you of the awful deeds of mankind. Our prayers, let men laugh at them as they will, and say there is no power in them, are the indicators of the movement of the wheels of Providence. I beseech you, members of churches, deacons, or whatever you may be, lay this to heart. It is true that death was the payment of the debt, but resurrection was the public acknowledgment that the debt was paid. Adam in this world was in liberty, perfect liberty; nothing confined him; paradise was exactly fitted to be his seat. She is, "when unadorned, adorned the most." You do not know the love of Christ. Here is the full receipt; the resurrection hath rent the bond in twain. Do not say you: can charge the members with sin; you may do so in the inferior courts of earth, but the bill will be ignored in the supreme court of heaven, since before that bar the accepted substitute appears to answer an demands. OBSERVE the title whereby he addressed the Church "Brethren." The apostle endorses that sentiment by quoting it, and against that endorsement we can of course have no contention; but the word there used for "offspring," expresses no idea of Fatherhood in the majestic sense of the term, it is a word which might be used as appropriately for the young of animals, the young of any other creature, it has not about it the human sympathies which belong to a father and a son. how long wilt thou not avenge thine own elect?" Ye are young brides, and the marriage day is not come, and by the love your spouse bears you, you are led to long and to sigh for the marriage day. The body is still subject to the evils which Paul mentions, when he says of it that it is subject to corruption, to dishonour, to weakness, and is still a natural body. I must confess that I am more afraid of life than of death. When Christ pleads, he does not plead with one who is stronger than him or inimical to him, but with his own Father. Are you among the number? Speak we of his omniscience? Consider how many mercies you have received at his hands all your life long! William Nicoll Sermon Bible Commentary - Romans 8:28-30. For that very reason they began to groan. At times this very spirit of resignation appears to increase our spiritual difficulty, for we do not wish to ask for anything that would be contrary to the mind of God and yet we must ask for something. If he had not paid the debt, he would have remained in the prison of the grave; but he rose again. Even this first point of what the saint has attained will help us to understand why it is that he groans. ", I am anxious not to tarry over controverted matters, but to reach the subject of my sermon this morning. He rose again, I must rise, and though I die yet shall I live again. We may sum it up as referring to God, to men, to the devil, and to all evil. The Holy Spirit works in us humility, earnestness, intensity, importunity, faith, and resignation, and all else that is acceptable to God in our supplications. Then after you had heard what the natural religion of man is, I would ask what must his irreligion be? No; the blood must he taken to the mercy-seat, God will not stoop when he is just; it must be brought to him. They are gone, and gone for ever! So that wish and I do not think there has been a man in this world who has not had it proves that "the carnal mind is enmity against God. Then he gave the words I used, and continued, "It was a true description of myself. He uses a noun, and not an adjective. The plain, simple spirit of the humble-minded Christian cries, "I am God's child." We cannot draw the bow of prayer alone. I would invite you, my brethren in Christ Jesus, this morning, to do three things; first, let us consider the terms of the will "joint heirs with Christ;" secondly, let us go forth and view the estates what it is of which we are joint heirs; and when we have done so, let us proceed at once to administer, for God hath made his children administrators as web as heirs. You went to some place, and asked the price, and thought it too high; then you went away to half-a-dozen other stablekeepers, and could not do any better, so you came back to the first; but he, displeased with you, very possibly said, "I do not want your custom. but you have aforetime refused Christ. It is proven to a demonstration in our own lives; it is a fact which runs like a golden clue through all the labyrinth of our history "All things work together for good to them that love God." 12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. God's grace will be sufficient for us; his strength will be made perfect in weakness. He cannot reverse his grace; it cannot be that the throne of condemnation shall be exalted on the ruins of the cross. He is our legislator, our law-maker; and then, to make our crime still worse and worse, he is the ruler of providence; for it is he who keeps up from day to day. He see the disease, but the name of the medicine is not known to us. Edwards "is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian," and one of America's greatest intellectuals. The dreariest thing you can read is the newspaper. And we may add, the text also means good eternal, lasting good. In all your answers to the accusations of the world, take care that you base your hopes concerning forgiven sin upon the death of Christ. The idle man that folds his arms or lies upon the bed of sloth is an exception to God's rule; for except himself all things work. To renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Two Sunday nights ago, when I stood here to preach about the longsuffering of God being salvation,* I spoke, in the middle of the sermon, as if personally addressing someone who was present, who had lately been ill with fever, and who had come to the Tabernacle, still weakly, and scarcely recovered. The sufferings of his soul were the very soul of his sufferings. No condemnation: that is the beginning of the chapter. It may be read, "Nor anything in creation, nor anything that ever is to be created," nothing shall ever separate us-from the love of Christ. What a debtor thou art to Divine Sovereignty! God has accepted Christ in the place of his people; and you, accepting Christ to stand in your stead, shall find that your sin is put away, that his righteousness is yours, and that you are "accepted in the Beloved." We are like Jacob looking at the wagons, and the more we look at the wagons, the more we long to see Joseph's face; but our groaning after Jesus is a blessed groan, for. Ye may train him up, ye may make his intellect almost angelic, ye may strengthen his soul until he shall take what are riddles to us, and unravel them with his fingers in a moment; ye may make him so mighty, that he can grasp the iron secrets of the eternal hills and grind them to atoms in his fist; ye may give him an eye so keen, that he can penetrate the arcana of rocks and mountains; ye may add a soul so potent, that he may slay the giant Sphinx, that had for ages troubled the mightiest men of learning; yet, when ye have done all, his mind shall be a depraved one, and his carnal heart shall still be in opposition to God. And this infection of nature doth remain, yea, in them that are regenerated; whereby the lust of the flesh, called in the Greek, phronema sarkos, which some do expound the wisdom, some sensuality, some the affection, some the desire, of the flesh, is not subject to the Law of God. How joyfully will we serve him, how rapturously adore him. I tell thee No; Christ never called the righteous; and if he has not called thee, and if he never does call thee, thou art not elect, and thou and thy self-righteousness must be subject to the wrath of God, and cast away eternally. Ah, it was the groan of death! There is no holiness in us of our own creating; no good thing in us of our own fashioning. Here is another test. I have certain experiences and feelings; turning to the Word, I find similar experiences and feelings recorded; and so I prove that I am right, and the Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am born of God. It is impossible! Are your arms about the neck of the great Father? Do you shrink from it? The city has turned me out; let it rue the day that it ever drove me away." It is not left to my pleasure whether I will do it or no; but I am a debtor, and I must serve him. Martha is correct; but by Martha's side there stands a man who, despite all his lowliness, is very God of very God. : I took pleasure in sin; but, "he, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame." We know that young lions, when tamed and domesticated, still will have the wild nature of their fellows of the forest, and were liberty given them, would prey as fiercely as others. We shall see his face; the devils in hell cannot hinder it; we shall possess the promised rest, still the fiends that are beneath shall not rob us of the heirloom. This sitting at the right hand of God, then, is to be viewed as the acceptance of the person of the surety, the reception of the representative, and therefore, the acceptance of our souls. Verse 1. May we still, between the very jaws of death, have solid confidence in God, and dare to ask for the presence of men and devils, too, "Who is the that condemneth?" "Brethren, we are debtors.". Whether you will receive it, or not, must rest with yourselves. My brother, thou art a Christian. How can a heavenly one be content till he ascends to the heavenlies? Happy in what he has received, for that very reason he groans to get the fulness of what is promised him. He dwells within us as a counsellor, and points out to us what it is we should seek at the hands of God. "The meek shall inherit the earth, and delight themselves with the abundance of peace." Our second point rises before us WHEREIN ARE BELIEVERS DEFICIENT? Here is an argument which hath much more power, much more strength, much more force than even Christ's death. What Paul are you at? Has it lifted up the constant tenor of your life, so that you spend your life with God in prayer, in praise, and in thanksgiving, and can no longer be satisfied with the low and mean pursuits which you followed in the days of your ignorance? I thought I saw you the other day looking amazingly great, because on such an occasion you really had done some little service to Christ's Church; and you looked astonishingly proud about it. Romans 8:1 is widely misunderstood for two reasons: first, katakrima, the word typically translated as condemnation, does not mean that. There were no obedient creatures in the world of that sort, knowing good and evil, in the days of Eden's glory. We are priests unto our God. Is he a victor? Both the sinner and the Surety are now free. For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. I have no doubt that Paul also argued with himself from the nature of the work of grace, which is the implantation of a living and incorruptible seed which liveth and abideth for ever. He died for his murderers, for those that mocked and insulted him; for he commanded his disciples to begin preaching the gospel at Jerusalem, where they crucified him, to preach it even to those who had hounded him to his doom. It is only where God's hand has been that the vessel begins to assume the form of the model. 8. The text says, "The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." You went to the house of God, not to pray, but to laugh. He puts it thus, they are not able to separate us. Fellowship in his sufferings is needful to communion with his glory. I have thus illustrated the call in two ways, by the state of the sinner in his sin, and by the omnipotence which overwhelms the resistance which he offers. If our title be true and just, so is his, and if his rights of heritage be true and just, so are ours. Psalms 73:26 . Therefore, our rights and our property extend to all things whatsoever they may be. To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. The work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's behalf is described in the first 27 verses of this chapter. Dost thou love God, not with lip-language, but with heart-service? O ye first-born whose names are written in heaven, I take my seat with you and join your rapturous adoration. That was on the Sunday, mark you; on the Wednesday, he was at Gravesend, there was a collision, and he and five others were drowned. Happy shall you and I be if, though covered with sin, though guilty and unclean, we nevertheless shall have faith to believe in the Christ that dies, a faith so strong, and confident that we shall dare to stand both now, and at the judgment-seat of Christ, and say, "Who is he that condemneth?" He has given thee hope, ask for faith; and when he gives thee faith, ask for assurance; and when thou gettest assurance, ask for full assurance; and when thou hast obtained full assurance, ask for enjoyment; and when thou hast enjoyment, ask for glory itself; and he shall surely give it thee in his own appointed season. The first witness is our spirit; the second witness is The Spirit, the eternal Spirit of God, who beareth witness with our spirit. In Hebrews 3:1 , you find this sentence. Furthermore, this conformity to Christ lies in relationship as well as in nature. but it is possible to pay too dear, especially when you could get on as well without them as with them.) You believe that all things will in the end work for your good. This calling forbids all trust in our own doings and conducts us to Christ alone for salvation, but it afterwards purges us from dead works to serve the living and true God. If today I am enabled to say I am called, then my boat is like the ferry-boat in the middle of the stream. When thou art commanded to believe and repent, when thou art exhorted to flee from the wrath to come, the sin lies on thy own head if thou dost despise the exhortation, and reject the commandment. "Joseph is not, Simeon is not, and now ye will take Benjamin away; all these things are against me," said the old Patriarch. Ask ye why? When a Roman general came home from the wars, he entered Rome by stealth, and slept at night, and tarried by day, perhaps for a week or two, among his friends. You were murmuring at the dispensations of God. It behoveth each of us, then, to comfort and establish our hearts upon this word "work." In us the living and incorruptible seed abode and grew. Would you have David's crown, but not his caves of Adullam, and rocks of the wild goats? ", There is now nobody left that I know of, that can condemn us, except the Judge; and if we have escaped our opponents Satan, the world, conscience, and the law, we need not fear to stand even at God's judgment seat. So we are persuaded of these three things: first, that God loves us; next, that God has shown his love to us by the gift of his Son Jesus Christ; and then, that his divine love comes streaming down to us because we are in Christ, and are loved for his sake. says the accuser, but you are still sinful. If we are at enmity with God, what merit can we have? Expect not, O Christian, that all things will work together to make thee rich; it is just possible they may all work to make thee poor. If you were half as happy as a groaning saint is, you might be content to groan on for ever. I have known what it is to feel as if I could not pray about a certain matter, and yet I have been obliged to groan about it. But, remember, Christ is coheir with you in this. Oh! Just so, we are kings we are of the blood imperial; but we have not our proper state and becoming dignities we have not our royalties here. We may well hang our harps upon the willows, while we listen to the voice of Jehovah solemnly speaking to his rebellious creature. Yet, what liberty was it? Let us go on believing and repenting, as we have done; but let us not have to begin believing and begin repenting, let us go on to something beyond that stage of experience. As the wave-sheaf was the first of the harvest, so the spiritual life which we have, and all the graces which adorn that life, are the first gifts, the first operations of the Spirit of God in our souls. He died, the Prince of glory died the ignominious felon's death, in the room and place and stead of guilty men. Brutus slays his sons; but some Christians would spare their sins. I cannot be punished for my sin. Once thou didst wallow in the mire, and if thou shouldst adopt a swine to be thy child, thou couldst not then have performed an act of greater compassion than when God adopted thee. we may look around and defy all our sins to destroy us. There is a secret something about the Christian of which Satan wishes to spoil him, but which is entirely out of his reach, so the saint sings, "I am persuaded that neither angels, nor principalities, nor powers can separate me from the love of Christ. If thou art this day an heir of heaven, remember, man, thou wast once the slave of hell. "The children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." I cannot stay longer on that point, except just to notice, that we must never quarrel with this divine arrangement. Fourthly. Well, if not in this text, there is in another. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according the to will of God." Did an earthly benefactor feed you, would you hate him? 1 & 2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $13.20 $22.00. Christian, stop and ponder for a moment! When he was seized by the officers of Queen Mary, to be taken to the stake to be burned, he was treated so roughly on the road that he broke his leg; and they jeeringly said, "All things work together for good, do they? there is more joy even in the groan of a Christian after heaven, than in all the mirth and merriment, and dancing, and lewdness of the ungodly when their mirth is at its greatest height. We have this. I think I could indeed plead if I were pleading for myself. Many of you will not feel the force of Christian reasons, let me remind you, that even you are obliged to the laboring poor. If you have faith enough brethren, you may this mourning be raised up to sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. If it be possible that by some decree in heaven's high court, it should be certified and determined that the inheritance is not rightly ours, because some one part of the covenant was left in a precarious state so that it became void and of no effect, then, thine inheritance, O thou King of kings, has failed thee in the very day when it hath failed us. No, there must be something done more than we can accomplish. Think not that thou canst ever be a partaker of the fullness of God Unless thou art in Christ with him vitally and personally, one. Now, brethren, in the very proportion in which we are conformed to the image of Christ we shall have to "go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach:" for the disciple, if he be a true disciple, is not above his Master, nor the servant above his Lord. Hear me, what remarkably beautiful language he used in prayer!" 2. Therefore hath God, as it were, enlarged his arguments. and that man lives. 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romans 8 commentary spurgeon