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john titor transcripts
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john titor transcriptsBlog

john titor transcripts

Do communications stay intact. As far as you know who is the most significant figure of the 21st century. But when you Time Traveled to the year 2000 you just had to spill the beans to everyone, and are now finally realizing the out comes of your actions might not be wise.Man, how irresponsible is that? One, they have two event horizons and two, the singularity is not a point, it looks more like a donut. john is not a three year old now -- he's 38 he says & unless the schools of the future teach no history then why wouldn't he know these things? (really! Some people think that memories, intuition and conscious are actually attempts by one version of "you" to talk to another. Yes -- we in the government DO watch for things like this. Liberal. If John is from the future, let's keep his interest and not bore him with the same questions over and over and over and over again. I am no ((So those responds to our questions took you 5 days to come up with? I realize in your mind you already have exposed him, just not good enough to convince me, and I would hazard to guess a number of others here. You'd be dead. John Titor claimed to be from the future, a time traveler sent back to 2000 to ensure that the U.S. stayed intact, and the world didn't descend into chaos. It seems that 30 seconds before his experiment was to begin he saw himself apppear in the lab. . Would that concern you if it did not affect you? Tolkien? ((John, any chance of getting a better set of photos with more of the manual?. Is there a sub-atomic particle that requires being aknowledged before it can be measured? ))In my opinion, people "now" take clean water, electricity and their feeling of safety for granted. Most of us also believe that the human race does indeed learn how to travel to time sometime in the future. Come on be a sport. From this Einstein proved that space and time are two aspects of the same thing and that matter and energy are also two aspects of the same thing. and a few more. "Your example of what people would do based on something I might say is accurate. What do they think of your use of the equipment for personel reasons? ((8. Are most the books available old or new?Out of curiosity, as a rough judge of character, have you read the works of J.R.R. I am human, I get tired, and I forget things. And I being one of the only one with enough sense to see that, you get upset with me.Excuse me, but are you forgetting that this man has a secret agenda? What would happen? I am curious about this also. Are you willing to share information on the operation, a walkthrough of the machine, time travel or AREN'T YOU? Sorry :-(.Here's a sample: "In 1983 I enlisted in the united states Army .it was shortly after my enlistment and before completing basic training that I was approached by those I now refer to simply as MY FRIENDS. Because of this a certain child is not born, and denied existance. These are not attacks (as your crude comments about the President of the United States were), but questions concerning his veracity. Tell us there are a few that's all then we just enhance the content to fit our cultural needs.PeacePosted by Randy Empey on 02-18-2001 11:36 AMMr. So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so? Posted by Kane Greene on 02-12-2001 12:14 PM. My goal is not to believed and I submit that your life would not be any better (and perhaps worse) if you did believe me. This thread that you have continued to participate in has gone entirely counter to your claimed goals, and it is obvious that you are knowingl fueling it in that direction. Is there an unusual rate of birth defects and if so what kind? when i ask you a question of why you can't tell us 'there will be an earthquake in isreal in 2010..' or something of the such..this is not a question that someone could CHANGE. ((Is John Titor your real name?)) communications, such that they are, make perfect understanding between individuals dicey at best . I have never said he was a fake or a fraud, or a liar, actually, I expressed frustration at the seemingly all important "is he or isn't he" debate.I propose that "what John is" is irrelevant to this conversation. 19:16; Jer. are they used by the government?Is there a Police Dept as we know it. So as Mike suggested, instead of going on about fantastic time machine components and WW3, why not actually gain some credibility by correctly telling NEAR future events? Notice how quickly you labeled me a liberal. So far he has not been interested. I have been called everything you can imagine that is unpleasant, by people that don't know me at all. But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them, http://www.AIM.com, http://www.ICQ.com. ?John -- Thanks for your replies.Does the sense of "here and now" continue for you in 2036, while you are here?IS your sense of "timing" off, in new time environments? There are inconsistancies that are to large to write off))I understand your viewpoint and I respect it. Korten. Here are a couple more.You say you were in the militia fighting the US Army. I fear people who want others to take action based on their own emotions and irrational fears. At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more Posted by James R.Quayle III on 02-02-2001 10:59 AM, Thank you for your timely reply,and i feel if i am not someone you recognize as a future name known then how about What is the mass of the duplicates and where did the mass come from? How many of you can honestly say you remember at-the-time important issues that happened when you were 3! I do have one tip though. alot of information. Can you explain the mechanics of creating a trans-dimensional vortex? ((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in the near future. . I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge.(2). I do but your questions were rather specific. If you have to fight for your country and your family during your lifetime it will most likely be against Americans of all races. ))Iam not exactly sureyet. Do you know who won that race 30 years ago? I'll publish him if he wants. I say science, as I understand it, has had the opposite effect on many others.I like to think, and the more I think, the more I become convinced that my beliefs are accurate enough for my purposes.But, they are beliefs, and I could not prove them to you.Another reason why I am stubborn in some of these beliefs, the religious ones and other parts of my philosophy is because it feels right -- almost as if by intuition or subconscious communications from 'the other side'.I don't think the possibility of TT disagrees in any way with any of the elements of my philosophy.I think many reading this thread would like you to expound on the elements of your philosophy, John.I vaguely remember you mentioned being religious . With that said, you know anything you say can be questionable. We don't know what's on Mars yet.14. You may be happy to know that although the bridge is gone, Cedar Key is still there. This can be observed by the "twins paradox". You would land in a vacuum of space. Since I am not completely galvanized against John I have thought about the possibility of Human TT. My family has lost much in defense of idealism.My family has been involved in the military, government, and diplomacy for 900+ years, in many nations where my ancestors have lived starting with Spain and culminating here. I don't BELIEVE your story. Having written all that, of course I do have a question, something that will definitely tell me whether you are full of it or not. Perhaps one of us could volunteer to compile all the direct q&a sort of a John Titor FAQ. ((So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so? They are content with that. It's up to you to prove he is not a TT. any Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 -- 500 megawatts), it's discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and captured. I would not plan on planting myself permanently next to a water source. (for you RickIn general has been a very good thread host.None of this proves he's a time traveller, but it does prove to me that I should continue to read the posts, and ask further question.As someone recently mentioned a preponderance of circumstantial evidence builds credibility.I have a question for John:John, what would it take to get you to stick around after spring and leave during the next window of opportunity?I fear that another month or 2 may not be enough time to get as much said and discussed as I would like to have.Regarding the photos. I'm simply trying to get to the bottom of the story. perhaps so..but how could you POSSIBLY not know who the next big inventor is.. or what the invention is. Yes, there are same sex marriages but it's not very common. Ryancouldn't distance be expressed as a function of time? . . I'll give you a hint: It has TWO special requirements! Why don't you subject yourself to the same scrutiny that you subject others to. If you could, would you debate the President on internal issues? When I walk around in 2001, the air smells clean but I wonder if it really is. For example, killing an enemy while he is a child? ((What is the result of the duplicates arriving ~simultaneously at the ~same place and time? "Let's say that John is a "confused person" would it not be kinder to help him regain his senses, than to attack him. A person whom they can look for answers, not someone to lead them. Since you been there and done that I will let you pick a day. it will only prove he is who/what he says he is. Everything I know about your time is from books, magazines and old videotapes that weren't destroyed in the war. How would you answer your own questions? I only want the honest truth.)). Does it really matter if John is authentic or not? Yes, there are same sex marriages but it's not very common. If you could change one thing about your government right now, what would it be? was when someone else posted that he had been on art bell for awhile and that Art had proved him to be a fake. . John, Posted by John Tooker on 02-02-2001 02:24 AM. Apparently, I have made the leap from "fraud" to imposter. I don't deny anyone's right to say what they want. and it answered your question. 41. If so why don't you see what Titor is really doing. (NKJV) I have enough of a physics background to understand his information though and (assuming he IS real) eventually he will hit on something that I personally can use to verify for myself the truth. We do need to level the playing field so it would be helpful if you would agree to a few "rules of sportsmanship" (pardon the P.I. Pamela:6.how hot would you say the temperature gets on the outside of the car while in operation? As a result, we have become far more compassionate to the ones we love but mush less forgiving to those who don't pull their weight. Perhaps there will be a way to share the photos again but I don't expect it would convince anyone. I assume you have all this archived from another BBS or something? ------------. ((I still don't buy your story. small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in Thank you, John for being you. Yikes! Yeah I can see how you're really concerned. 14 You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. (name changes). The first time I walked into a "superstore" I cried. Is Chevy still making time travel machines in 2036?)). How many feet out from the car would you say it goes? It may interest you to know that my father still does not truly believe the machine works even after touching and seeing it. Religion must be experiential or it has no staying power (and probably not enough compassion or tolerance). Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AM. Actually it does, I have never personally experienced this time as an adult and "Brittany Spears" was not a big topic of conversation when your hiking through the swamp. 1.What is your opinion of Revelations in the New Testiment,Do you feel it related to the coming War? OK, this John Titor guy obviously is really into science fiction, a scientist, or is actually a TT'er. how many people do you think will be SO concerned that a -mega-super-razor- that keeps all facial hair gone for 20 days (for example).. that they want to go & stop the inventor from inventing it? I believe such a move would also precipitate new experiences. 43. and wait in anticipation of some correct answers to some simple questions and for goodness sake some undoubtable proof. i also want to note that i'm a very -unskeptical- person..i kinda have the philosophy that anything is possible .. i infact, believe that time travel does most likely exist.. but mr titor you have skirted around too many questions to be believable. I shall await.sincerely, So lets say that that the mass is about 700 lbs per traveller. I would also imagine that the network of Intentional Communities (communes?) 2:26; Heb. Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 -- 500 megawatts), it's discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and captured. I have nothing but open-mindedness for religious conversation and I look forward to more. Bush's National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, made belligerent comments about Russia to the magazine El Figaro. Not inventions like 'Ginger' and pop artists! I am certainly not uncomfortable in thinking that you are a fraud, although it would bring me (and others) great comfort if you could prove yourself. I am human, I get tired, and I forget things. It would appear that its a time loop and an infinite number of duplicates see a duplicate self appear in the lab thirty seconds prior to the start of the trip. I hope it is true. (Provided you knew it). If you are referring to the conflict and war in your future, I'm not sure I'm specific enough to help any individuals avoid anything. There are NO multiple worldlines, histories, or whatever occuring at this or any time. Not coincidentally, the literal meaning of diabolos and its variations is "slanderer. century, as a general case. Could it be that we are not really that comfortable with ourselves and therefore we cannot imagine meeting, liking or helping another one of us on another worldline? In January 2001, he announced his name as John Titor and said he had come from the future. There is a great deal of psychological profiling and testing and one of the training missions involved choosing a time in your life (within two years) where you wish you would have done something different and then going back to convince yourself to do it. There are plenty of nuclear weapons left but if anyone uses them they will be instantly erased from the planet by everyone else regardless of the politics. 1) Does the last name hubbard have any historical(is that the right term?) Name any human being/animal/invention which became famous from obscurity prior to today (This is really easy, just name anyone who shot to fame for anything -- provided they are completly unknown now, and that it happens soon). Telling you about impending place crashes or other disasters (provided I could give you exact dates and times) may save lives at one point but cause cascading changes that take others at a later point.I enjoy the posts because it's very hard to remain safe and have a conversation. Weren't they wiped out in the war? I can postulate and guess all day, at all sorts of reasons -- about all all sorts of things I can figure out on my own. Rice's office tells NewsMax.com most of the claims made in the reports were fabricated. He does this very often, and I'd just wanted to point that out before he did it again. My dad told me a quick story about going to a fast food store and paying 6 or 7 dollars for a hamburger. I have a hard time believing that time travel, if possible and if it will be done, would be done in such a lax way. Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-14-2001 10:24 AM, http://pub2.ezboard.com/fmagisystemstimelordsanonymus.showMessage?topicID=53.topic. Who claimed to utilize dimensional-egress to conduct apparent "time travel" activities to acquire and retrieve information and artifices from history. If P.C. Welcome back. year old that you are today, do you remember yourself showing up and visiting yourself as a three year old? john is not a three year old now -- he's 38 he says & unless the schools of the future teach no history then why wouldn't he know these things? n, Posted by Chris Greycheck on 02-02-2001 09:42 AM. You can't have conspiracy to limit the population with a disease without the cure.21. There are now over 10 major political parties. You mention the nature of Canadians but I don't think you mentioned the impact of all of this on that country. The magazine El Figaro Thank you, John for being you proved to... I assume you have to fight for your country and your family during lifetime... To prove he is who/what he says he is not born, and 'd... 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